Blimey, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....
Below, some recent correspondence with the council
Write to Matthew Hill, and tell him if you agree with us or them...
-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Cannings []
Sent: 11 May 2005 16:33
To: Tesco (at it again), and Broadway Stores
Dear Mr Hill
I am sorry to have to contact you again.
Slowly, Tesco is getting up to its old tricks again.
Last Saturday, 9.50am - One large juggernaut parked upto the edge of
Broadway Avenue - One Securicor van parked in the bus stop - There were
roadworks opposite, so the traffic was ultra-congested.
At this time, several hundren children and parents make their way past
to play football in Moormead Park, or go to ballet in Haliburton Road.
The previous Thursday, a huge lorry "in" the loading bay
Bank Holiday Monday - The same (at about 7pm)
The previous Saturday evening - The same (about 8pm)
All of this breaches the agreement.
I do not wish to have to engage in another protracted battle - I am sure
the local paper would love to have another pop, but if you can assure me
you will deal with this at once, I will refrain from taking any
further action
Incidentally, I have had no further minutes of the meetings the Council
has had with Tesco - Could you please forward these, by mail or email.
Broadway Stores - Obviously emboldened by Tesco's use of juggernauts,
Nisa are now delivering to Broadway Stores once a week from a
juggernaut, which parks not in, but across the loading bay outside - I
have some pictures, but it really is a joke. Can you please take some
action to get them back to using vans that fit in their loading bay?
Many thanks
Nigel Cannings
The first response:
Dear Mr Cannings
I acknowledge receipt of your email. Unfortunately I am on a training course for two days today and Friday, and on leave Monday and Tuesday. I will provide you with a full response on my return next Wednesday. Apologies for the delay.
Please be assured in the meantime that we continue to work closely with Tescos on these issues.
Matthew Hill
Section Manager, Public Transport and Parking
Transport Planning Service
Environment Directorate
LB Richmond upon Thames
19th May 2005
Dear Mr Hill
I trust you had a pleasant break
I have another sighting to report, from my own point of view, a more serious one.
Last night I was returning from Casalty with my son, who had been taken into hospital earlier that day.
You are probably aware that there are roadworks on the bridge in St Margarets at the moment.
Parked opposite at 8.49pm was a very large Tesco lorry - Parked in front of it, covering the last few metres to Broadway Avenue was a Tesco customer - St Margarets Road itself was blocked with people trying to turn into Broadway Avenue, attempting to get past the blockage -
Fortunately, I was not delayed for long - But I had a sick child in the back of the car, and any delay meant causing him further discomfort.
Had I been on my way to the hospital, however, as I had been earlier in the day, the delay would have been more considerable as the lane out of St Margarets was blocked.
They should not be parking large lorries outside at that time of day.
In particular, they should not be doing it when there are roadworks opposite.
I should be grateful for a detailed breakdown of how the council are going to react to Tesco's increasing disregard to the agreement you reached with them - I hope it will not have to wait for another meeting, but can be dealt with quickly by phone.
As I said before, I do not want to reopen the campaign against Tesco, but I will if Tesco does not react quickly.
Kind regards
Nigel Cannings
19 May 2005
Dear Mr Cannings
Tesco St Margarets
Thank you for your email of 11 May 2005.
Further to previous correspondence, as you will recall there has been an informal agreement to avoid deliveries after 2pm at Tesco St Margarets. However, in late March Tesco informed us that they were unable to deliver the required volume of stock without a further fresh food delivery. This extra delivery was therefore programmed for 8pm to ensure it missed the busiest times of day in traffic terms.
In mid April, the Council received a complaint from a nearby resident regarding noise nuisance from both early morning and late evening deliveries from Tesco.
It was therefore concluded, at a meeting with Tesco on 26 April, that the concept of early morning and late evening deliveries was likely to cause on-going noise nuisance to an unacceptable level in a residential area. Therefore it was agreed that Tesco would replan their delivery schedules to ensure that all deliveries take place between 9.30am and 4.00pm. This avoids the busiest traffic and pedestrian times as well as early mornings and late evenings. We await confirmation from Tesco that they can deliver this schedule. If this schedule can be delivered, the Council agreed to reconsider provision of an extended loading bay and allowing loading times of up to an hour. This is as per our original proposal first advertised in September 2004. This decision would only be taken after consulting local Ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member for Traffic, Transport, and Parking, Cllr Mark Kreling.
These changes, if they are progressed, will continue to be reviewed on a regular basis. Thank you also for bring the issue of Broadway Stores to our attention. I will ensure that our Parking Enforcement section is aware of this for enforcement purposes.
I will forward copies of minutes from meetings with Tesco next week - I am awaiting final copy of the minutes of the March meeting at present and expect to receive them at our next meeting on Monday 23rd May.
Yours sincerely
Matthew Hill.
Dear Mr Hill
Many thanks for your response.
I can certainly see how the noise of a Tesco delivery might upset local residents, and understand that problem.
However, I do not believe the Council is taking the correct approach in dealing with the delivery issues.
As I write, there is a Tesco lorry parked half in the bus stop, and half in the loading bay. It is so wide, that other traffic cannot properly get past it. I am sure that the TfL camera will confirm this.
Your proposal to extend the loading bay, in length and time, cannot possibly allow Tesco to achieve what they want. To do that, you would need to extend the width of the bay as well, which would take up almost the whole carriageway - Surely on a narrow stretch of road, this is unacceptable.
I sympathise with Tesco's inability to restock.
There is an answer to this.
Tesco bought the store, knowing the existing character of the village, and its parking and delivery problems.
So why should St Margarets change to suit Tesco's logistics? As the most profitable retailer in the country, surely Tesco's logistics can change to suit St Margarets.
I would propose that Tesco be encouraged to use small vans (the size of the delivery vans they use to delivery groceries), if necessary throughout the day, to restock. If they don't, the current restrictions should be enforced.
Yes, I am sure they want to use larger lorries because that suits them, but that should be no excuse for allowing them to do so, just because they are Tesco.
If you do not intend to enforce the current restrictions, but instead intend to proceed with the plan to extend the loading bay please let me know as soon as possible - I can assure you it will be met with a much more vociferous campaign than last time.
It is probably worth noting that the loading bay is often used as parking for people shopping in Tesco, which is obviously outside of the definition of loading - If you extend the bay, you extend that problem too.
Also, any loading after 3pm will intefere with the local school runs.
Incidentally, my FOI request of the week:
Can you supply the number of parking tickets issued in the last three months in the following categories:
1. Between St Margarets Station and Broadway Avenue, broken down between Tesco owned/related vehicles and other vehicles- Both sides of the road
2. On Crown Road, between the junction of St Margarets Road, and Beaconsfield Road - Both sides of the road
3. In the loading bay outside Broadway Stores.
4. From the top of Amyand Park Road, to the first block of flats (ie up to the end of Black and White's premises) on both sides of the road.
Kind regards
Yours sincerely
Nigel Cannings