Dear Mr Cannings,
As promised, our store assessment team have visited the St Margarets store regarding the valid concerns that you raised and the following actions have now been put in place:
1. No deliveries will be made prior to 09:30am.
2. Our shortest length articulated vehicle (10m trailer) will be used as the team feel this should fit the loading bay without causing issues. However, this will be reviewed on the next delivery and an alternate option put in place if the overhanging problem is still evident.
I hope that you find the above actions satisfactory and that you will contact me directly if you have any further concerns. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your valued feedback and be assured of our best interests at all times with regards to the local communities where our stores are situated.
Yours Sincerely,
Simon Reynolds
Unit 1
Prologis Park
Arenson Way